Hnd Betc Typography #3

During class, we learnt about the importance of how the text is presented can make a huge difference. Just as in art and also in graphic design the elements of arts can also be used in text based content. During the lecture, we were informed that the use of space is on of the single … More Hnd Betc Typography #3

Blog Catch Up#3

Some weeks ago we were discussing the film media. We learnt about the first film industry which is Hollywood. For a while there weren’t any sound in films but that changed with the Jazz singer, a film created in 1927 which used a synchronized talkie. Jazz singer film (1927) We then started to learn about … More Blog Catch Up#3

Blog Catch Up#2

In Media Theory class, we discuss topics such as what are the different types of media and how the affect the world. A few classes ago we talked about how media desensitizes us to real life issues. As an example our teacher talked about how years ago he was playing a FPS like Call of … More Blog Catch Up#2

Blog Catch-up #1

A few weeks ago we had lecture on different types of media and that class we had talked about video-games. This was a very interesting class because i love video-games and play them a lot. During the class we looked at some videos talking about the first game which is called ‘Pong’ and how that … More Blog Catch-up #1

What inspires me

Most of my inspiration comes from people who are in art in some kind of way whether it be music, animations or mangaka. One of the people i look up to the most is Hajime Isyama. Hajime Isayama He is the creator of the manga, Attack on Titan one of the best manga that was … More What inspires me

My future in Media

In the upcoming years of my life after finishing school i would like to focus more on my animation skills and drawing mainly because i want to be an animator. I would like to work for a big animating/film making company like WitStudios and work on big projects that can change or start trends in … More My future in Media