Hnd Betc Typography #7

In one of the final lectures, the topic of the printing industry was opened up. This was a very interesting development as the printing industry currently is in a very peculiar stop as the evolution of easier and faster ways to share and obtain information. Although, print has generally stagnated in these times, years ago it was a huge discovery. This is because of the efficiency in printing, the printing press was able to print more than ten times the amount than if you were to print by hand.

Today, even though the advancement of many different and innovate technologies and resources, printing is still used and is a major part of the many companies and business etc. For example the need to hold copies of identification cards and passports are still needed.

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Photocopying of a passport

As the printing worlds advances so does the need for better and more powerful equipment. As a result equipment such as plotters and laser printers began surfacing and making its way into companies. These printers allowed for faster and more accurate looking hardcopy products. Additionally units such as plotters created a market of use for people such as engineers and architect.

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The types of printings used also directly suits designers as they allow for special effects and looks that would otherwise be impossible or difficult to precure hardcopy. These types include, Offset Lithography, Intaglio, and Screen. Additionally some these methods allow for printing to be done on materials other than paper, paving the way for more creative and striking designs.

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Intaglio Printing

As the printing world grows and companies and small business arise, the issue of health and safety becomes a growing concern, as with any company, keeping injuries and accidents low is a must. This is especially so in the printing industry, because of the fact that most of the work is done manually, accidents are much more commonplace. In some of these workplaces if not all the use of chemicals and toxics are used in order to either utilize the equipment or as either a solution like ink. Additionally heavy materials and other necessary equipment are also heated at high temperatures making the environment very dangerous if someone is careless.

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A person doing 3D Printing

As a result the need for health and safety rules and regulations are needed. Simple precautions such as always keeping hallways clears and using wires or any other means to bundle up or neatly placing wires to avoid trips. Also by keeping electrical outlets and extensions cords somewhat freed up it can lessen the amount of electrical injuries or shocks. Additionally having hallways clean and dry consistently to avoid slips.

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Although having wires bundled up safety and such can reduce issues, a majority of mishaps occur during the transportation of materials. This can be stopped by allowing for proper maintenance of equipment used; by doing this the amount of incidents occurring due to faulty equipment would lessen.

One major point for concern is the amount of undertrained employees that are given machinery to use. The simplest precaution for these preventable mishaps are by having the staff trained in utilizing the equipment and protective gear available, in addition to the rules and precautionary measures in the workplace.

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Having the measurements in place will greatly stop many accidents and injuries from happening and additionally it will also increase the efficiency of the workplace and stop the company from losing valuable time .

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