Hnd Betc Typography #5

In one of the last lectures, we were introduced to the design process. This process is used a lot when creating graphic work. Using this method can aid the creation of website design,, this is because it simplifies the important steps needed to create a good website.

Design Process Graphic – DHF Blueprint
Design Process

This method also helps in finetuning your website, which in turn can allow the website to appear cleaner, in addition to enabling the website to operate easier for the end user. This can be done by continuously repeating this cycle multiple times until the desired design is completed.

One of the most important thing to achieve this goal would be be doing something called “User testing”. User testing to simply put, is a method used by designers to test if their product is a success. In website development, this could be by testing if the user can complete a task using the website interface. As a result, by using this method, a designer can observe if the website is easy to navigate, if it is complicated to operate etc. In addition to this fact, people from the product’s target market are used during this user testing to achieve the best results.

The difference between user and usability testing - WeAreBrain Blog

By using this one can record feedback from the usability testing phase to adjust their product to further appeal to the consumers or to change it to be easier to use. The best thing that a designer can do is to create something that the user wouldn’t even need to think to operate. The process and steps that a user takes to complete a task must appear seamless and easy to undergo. As a result, this will allow for quicker navigation and quicker and more efficient intake of information.

This video was shown to us by our lecturer during class:

In this video, it is explained that an efficient method to test a critical point of your website would be by showing your website (preferably the main page) to the users for a short period, then immediately after remove the image of your website. afterwards, ask the user to explain what they think the website is about. In my opinion, this method is very good because if a website is truly done properly, its use should also be easily identified to the user.

Coca-Cola Homepage Website

The image above shows the Coca-Cola website’s homepage. As everyone already know what this product is and what they are about, this example is less effective but, the homepage perfectly captures the image of Coca-Cola and it gives off the vibe and methodology what the company pushes forward. This is one example of a website that explains itself and what it is about without even using a large amount of text.

Another example of this is the DollarShaveClub website. In a short glance, people can tell what the website is trying to sell.


DollarShaveClub Homepage website

As shown above, someone watching can easily tell that this website is trying to sell shaving products. One thing that I noticed was the type of text that the designers’ used. It came to my attention that using another type of text would have thrown of the feeling that the website is trying to give off.

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