Hnd Btec Typography #4

Multiple times during the class sessions the term visual hierarchy was brought up. This is something that is singlehandedly the most important thing when dealing with typography after readability , this is because the way someone reads a body of text or any information for that matter comes down to visual hierarchy.

Visual hierarchy perfectly illustrated : web_design | Visual hierarchy, Web  design quotes, Hierarchy design
Example of Visual Hierarchy

As shown above in the image, a simple thing such as the size of the letters can greatly affect the presentation of information to the viewer. Although, there are other ways tat can garner a similar effect, the easiest way is by enlarging the text.

Using this method allows for the artist to show off the most important information first or in a flashy way to draw the viewers’ attention.

Although hierarchy is used in graphic design and typography, another way it can find use in web design. This can simply mean be by the look of the website and also, the way the information is given and displayed to the user. I believe that this is a very important thing, since in web design users don’t tend to read every bit of information and usually just skim through.

As a result, people don’t usually tent to spend a lot of time on one part of a website so the way the information is displayed can drastically lessen the strain on the user and allow to take in a larger amount of information at a time.

Additionally, after observations and doing assignments, I started to become aware of how hierarchy and typography was implemented in websites. I noticed that based on the type of website, the designer tries to create a vibe, similarly of how certain music can give off different feelings when listened to.

As observed, this was accomplished by using a suitable typeface, using a color theme, but most importantly was the placement of all of the information in the website. I came to this conclusion after viewing multiple websites during lectures. One website would be refined, their typeface suited the feel of the webpage and whatever they were advertising or showing whilst, other websites would be terribly created, where the designer would use multiple typefaces and the text and imagery would be jumbled.

*Some websites are placed below as examples.

After learning this I became aware of the important of properly utilizing hierarchy in website creation.

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